Author Archives: Katie

Dance Party Cups featuring Cricut

This week I am joining in with my crafty friends to do a week of Cricut Party ideas! For my project, I did Party cups using plastic cups from IKEA and Cricut Vinly. Check out how I did them below!

Materials needed:

  • Computer
  • Cricut Design Space
  • Party Cups SVG
  • Cricut cutting mat
  • Cricut vinyl
  • Transfer tape
  • Weeding tool
  • Plastic cups (It could be any plastic cups but I like the ones from IKEA)

Making it:

Grab the Party Cups svg file from above and open it in Design Space. Resize it to fit on the cups that you have.

Pick your color vinyls and place it on the Cricut cutting mats. Insert into the Cricut machine and start cutting. TIP: Make sure your pieces are attached. I just did this on one mat, so I grouped my items together.

Using a weeding tool, remove the excess vinyl.

For the background layer, I just used my fingers but you could use transfer tape. Place the background layer on your cup in any direction that you want.

Using transfer tape, apply it over your words and then press down making sure that the vinyl is adhering to the transfer tape. Remove from the paper backing and apply to the background vinyl that is already on your cups. Make sure to rub the letters down good so that they stay in place.

Remove the transfer tape carefully so that you don’t pull up the letters and then you are ready to use your cups for whatever party you are having. Our party just happens to be a dance party!

Of course, you could design your own wording for your cups or you could use the file above!!!!

Be sure to check out other Cricut Party ideas!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Layered Words of Love Hearts featuring Fairfield World’s Oly*Fun

There are lots of words of love that I can think of that remind me of Valentine’s Day. A few in particular are love, hugs and kisses. I created these adorable little hearts with words of love and Oly*Fun.

Materials needed:

  • Fairfield World Oly*Fun
  • Wood hearts cut from a Glowforge or cardboard hearts cut from a Cricut
  • Heart SVG file
  • Scissors
  • Multi-purpose glue (I love Beacon!)
  • Pen or Marker

How I created them:

I created an svg file of the hearts with words in them and then a heart without words to use on the back. With my Glowforge, I resized and cut the hearts. This can also be done on the Cricut with balsa wood or cardboard.

Using one of the hearts that is made for the back , I placed it on a sheet of Oly*Fun and traced it.

Once I had 4 hearts traced, I folded my Oly*Fun in half and cut two hearts from each color. TIP: I cut the hearts smaller than the trace lines so that they would be smaller than the wood heart outlines.

I used Beacon Mutli-Grip glue to first attach both layers of Oly*Fun to the back piece of the heart. Then I applied glue to the back of the heart with the word on it and layered it on top of the Oly-Fun.

I let them dry. They can be given to someone as a Valentine, strung onto string to create a banner or just displayed together as a Valentine’s decoration.

I also resized a love heart and a back piece to about 10 inches and added a hole to the top so that I could create a door hanger. I followed the same directions for the big one that I did for the smaller ones. And then I added a ribbon to hang it up.

Hope you like these adorable little love word hearts. They were fun and easy to make! The kids could even help to put them together! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Until next time….

Happy New Year 2020 with my Word(s) of the Year

My friend asked me the other day if I had my word of the year picked out yet. I honestly had not even though about it because I had been so busy, but last night as I was waiting for the ball to drop on tv, I contemplated and made a list of words that I could use. There are lots and well, I tried to pick one but several spoke to me.

So, today I decided to fire up the Glowforge (we’ll talk about that in a few) and came up with something. I really couldn’t just pick one word, but I kept going back to three of them. Here is what I did…..I picked one of the three words that would be “my word” and then made the other two words slightly smaller. I also ended up engraving the rest of the words onto a round cutout. And then I added 2020 to the back.

I guess that makes Dedication my word of the year this year. The good thing is that I can be dedicated to all of the other words! I can be dedicated to Determination and Motivation. I can be dedicated to being present with my family and putting away the phone or iPad. I can be dedicated to worshipping and growing my faith. I can be dedicated to Happiness and being courageous, to hope and love and being passionate. I can be dedicated to be confident and committed and having patience. I can be dedicated to appreciating more and having a happy heart and being grateful!

I did realize after making this list that I forgot some words. A big one I forgot is fitness! But I am continuing to go to Weight Watchers weekly and I am dedicated to getting the last 15 or so pounds off that I’ve been struggling with.

Just for kicks today, I made this little Happy New Year 2020 piece. But to be honest, I was just trying out some settings on the Glowforge for Walnut Hardwood!

On to the Glowforge. I decided to make a business decision in November to purchase the Glowforge Pro. I still love my Inventables X-Carve, but man the Glowforge is amazing and can do so much! The younger Berry boys were super excited, with the older one thinking of business ideas for himself. Benjamin couldn’t wait to be the first one to press the magic button!!

I have made lots of lots of items on the Glowforge in the month that I have had it. I mean, LOTS! I have spent hours and hours upstairs (yes, we put it upstairs!) designing and creating! Below is a gift card holder I created for the Carolina Dirtdawgs 13U Team Manager. I put a gift card to my favorite coffee shop in it and then added it to a coffee mug filled with chocolates! She loved it!

Ornaments!!!! Most of my hours at the Glowforge have been making ornaments! I got lots and lots of ornament orders and I absolutely LOVED it! I had so much fun personalizing them! I found some of the files on Etsy, and I have created some of my own, but I will be creating more of my own files in the New Year! The next three photos are collages of ornaments that I made! Some were gifts and some were orders! I am very thankful for all of the orders that I have received and look forward to future orders!

In the new year, I will be putting together a new online shop, blogging more and creating on the Glowforge (and the X-Carve too)! I hope everyone has a Happy New Year filled with great health and happiness!

Until next time……

Craft Lightning Glitter – Mom Juice Wine Tumbler

Craft Lightning is here again and this months topic is GLITTER! Usually I’m anti-glitter! Like my pastor says, “Jesus is allergic to glitter”! He has a strong dislike for it! Haha! But…..Glitter vinyl and glitter HTV are my jam! I love it! I made this super simple Mom Juice Wine Tumbler using a cut file from the Cricut Design Space!

Heres what you need:

  • Wine tumbler or any wine glass
  • Glitter vinyl (I used Cricut)
  • Cricut (I used the Explore)
  • Transfer tape
  • Cricut weeding tool
  • Cricut Design Space on your computer
  • Cricut scraper tool or I just use a credit card.
  • Cricut cutting mat

Heres how to make it:

Open up Design Space on your computer and search for Wine in the search bar of the Images. Make it the appropriate size. TIP: Make sure your wine tumbler is clean.

Using the Cricut, cutting mat and vinyl, cut your design.

Weed the excess vinyl using the Cricut weeding tool.

Apply the transfer tape to the design and rub it with a scraper tool.

Apply to the tumbler, and rub it with your fingers or the scraper tool to make sure it sticks. Remove the transfer tape.

And now your tumbler is ready to fill with your “Mom Juice”!

Be sure to check out the other Craft Lightning Glitter projects by clicking the Craft Lightning Glitter photo below!

Until next time…..

Fairfield World Pillow Party 2019 Let It Snow Pillow

The Fairfield World Pillow Party has been so much fun and these Let it Snow! pillows were super fun and easy to make. My friends over at Fairfield World, Laura Kelly Designs, The Hedgehog Hollow put together this fun Holiday Pillow Party blog hop.

What’s needed:

  • Fairfield Poly-fil Premier Ultra Plush Pillow
  • 1.5 yards of Kunin Premium felt cut from a bolt: Charcoal
  • 9″x12″ Kunin Premium felt: Candy Pink
  • 9″x12″ Kunin Coordinate felt: Silver Dot on White
  • pins
  • Snowflake Pattern
  • Let it Snow! Pattern
  • Scissors
  • Beacon Fabri-Tac Premium Fabric Glue
  • Cutting Mat, Cutting Ruler and Rotary Cutter
  • Sewing Machine

Fairfield has great pillows to add to any pillow case. They provided these awesome Poly-Fit Premier Ultra Plush Pillow Inserts. I created my very own pillow cases to go over them. Here is how I made them!

The pillows were 20″x20″ so I cut my felt at 21″x21″. I cut 4 squares and then cut 2 of them in half.

Each pillow should have 3 pieces of Charcoal fabric, (1) 21″x21″ and (2) 10.5″x21″. Pin the two smaller pieces to the bigger piece. This leaves an opening in the middle of the back of the pillow.

Leaving 1″ around the edge, sew all the way around the pillow case.

Once the pillow cases are all sewn, remove all of the pins and put the insert in the pillow case.

Print out the patterns and pin them to the felt.

Cut the snowflakes and the letters from the felt.

Once everything is cut out, lay the pieces out on the pillowcase to make sure you have it where you want it.

Using Beacon’s Fabric-Tac Premium Fabric Glue, glue your pieces in place.

Let the glue dry and then your pillows are ready to use!

Hope you like these adorable Let it Snow! Pillows that I created for the Fairfield World Pillow Party 2019. Be sure to check out the other pillows that were created!

Also, enter below to win a $100 gift card to Michael’s and 10lbs of Poly-Fil.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Until next time…..

Pumpkin Squishy Party Activity

It’s Craft Lightning time again and this month is party crafts, so I made this adorable Pumpkin Squishy for a fun Halloween party activity!


  • Poly-fil Squishy Foam (available at Walmart too)
  • Die Cutting Machine with pumpkin die and cutting pads
  • Black and Orange Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • A place to paint (ie. paper plate, paper towels, newspaper)

How I made it:

Remove the Squishy Foam from it’s packaging. Place the foam on the pumpkin die making sure to completely cover the pumpkin outline of the die. Place the die and foam between two cutting pads.

Squishing the cutting pads together, run the die, foam and pads through the die cutting machine.

Remove the foam from between the pads, throwing away the excess.

Now you are ready to paint. Using a any kind of paint brush, depending on how much time you want spent on the activity, paint the foam. 

Allow the paint to dry.

Now you are ready to squish away on your very own homemade pumpkin squishy.

TIP: You can also just cut your own design with scissors. I suggest drawing it out on the top of the foam and then cutting along the lines.

Be sure to check out the other Craft Lighting Party ideas by clicking the photo below!

Until next time……

Pick Flowers, Not Fights Hoop Art

This week, I have joined a few other Cricut loving crafty friends for a Summer of Flowers event with our Cricut machines.

I decided to use a Cricut project already made in the Cricut Design Space to make a positive hoop art so that we have a reminder, that we should not pick fights, but instead do something fun and uplifting like picking flowers!


  • Cricut Machine (Explore or Maker)
  • Computer with Cricut Design Space (Pick flowers, Not fights design in in Design Space)
  • Cricut EasyPress
  • Cricut Cutting Mat
  • Cricut Weeding Tool
  • Cricut Everyday Iron-On Heat Transfer Vinyl (HTV)
  • Embroidery Hoop
  • 9″x12″ craft cut of Kunin Felt in White
  • Scissors


Using your computer, open Cricut Design Space, search for Pick Flowers Not Fights in Images.

Connect the Cricut to the computer. Put the Heat Transfer Vinyl on the mat, shiny side down.

Cut the designs out in the order that they are set to cut. Weed the excess HTV using the weeding tool. TIP: Leaving the design on the mat can make it easier to weed.

Using the Cricut EasyPress, press the design onto the center of the white piece of felt. The design will have to be done one layer at a time.

Open the embroidery hoop and place the felt in the hoop and return the outside piece of the hoop.

Turn the hoop over and trim the excess felt.

Now you are ready to put it out so that everyone can see your positive message. You can either lean it against the wall, hang it on a nail or use some ribbon to hang it up!

Be sure to check out other Cricut Summer of Flower projects by clicking the button below.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Also, be sure to enter this amazing giveaway! It’s worth over $500 in products! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Crafting! Until next time…..

Painted Feather Rock

Craft Lightning is here again!!!! This month the theme is Painted Rocks. While in Phoenix this past January for AFCI, I met this awesome painted rocks lady Carissa. She has some amazing talents with her painted rocks. They bring all the joy! You can check her painted rocks out on Instagram: ilovepaintedrocks

I made this Painted Feather rock. Feathers represent freedom, inspiration and spirit. When you see a feather on the ground, don’t you just want to pick it up?!?! Here is how I made it:


  • A rock (I just found one in my neighborhood, but you could buy one!)
  • Paints (I used spray paint for the base and then some other paints I had lying around)
  • Paint Brushes
  • Tray for the paint (I just used a paper plate)
  • Something to put your rock on while you are painting and it dries
  • Pencil to draw an outline

Clean the rock to make sure it’s free of any dirt or leaves. I had to do this since I found mine out in the neighborhood.

Paint the rock with your base color and allow to dry. TIP: While you are waiting for it to dry, get your paints ready, especially if you mixing colors.

Using a pencil, draw a light outline of your design.

Paint your design and allow to dry.

Now you can go out into the world and put it where you’d like someone to find it! Or you could just add it to your own garden.

Check out other quick and easy 15 minute or less Craft Lightning painted rocks by clicking on the button below.

Until next time…..

Happy Crafting!

Felt Beach Ball Coasters

Beach and Pool season is here. These adorable felt Beach Ball Coasters would be perfect by the pool.

Skill Level:  Easy

Time to Complete:  1 hour


  • 9” x 12” Craft Cut of KuninFelt Classic felt:  (1) Minty, (1) Yellow, (1) Orange, (1) Peacock, (1) Apple Green, (1) Fuchsia , (1) White
  • Scissors
  • Felt Glue
  • Pins (optional)

How I made it:

Print the Beach Ball PDF pattern out.  You will need a total of 7 balls so you may have to print 2 sheets.  Cut out the balls.

Using one of the patterns, cut out the base of the coasters from the Minty felt.  

If you want to use pins, pin one circle to each of the other colors of felt or you can just hold the pattern in place.  Cut the circle out first and then cut the pieces of each ball following the lines.  Be sure to cut the small round pieces too.

Alternating colors, place the pieces on the Minty base pieces to make it look like a beach ball.  

Glue everything in place and let them dry! You can trim off any pieces that are hanging over the Minty base piece.

Then they are ready to use by the pool or on your beach umbrella table!

Hope you enjoy these super simple felt Beach Ball coasters.  

You can now find an expanded color line of Kunin® Classicfelt; Kunin® Premiumfelt and Corduroy non-wovens fabrics in cut by the yard at your local Walmart; please inquire as to what is available in your area.

Happy Crafting,
Katie Berry
A Sweet Berry Designs    
FB: A Sweet Berry Designs
IG: asweetberrydesigns

Simple USA Banner

Craft Lightning is here and the theme this time is Patriotic! I’ve created this super simple USA banner that can be left as is or it can be jazzed up with whatever decorations you’d like!


  • Kunin Felt: Red, White and Blue
  • Scissors
  • A wooden dowel
  • Ribbon
  • Hot Glue Gun and Hot Glue Stick

How I made it:

With a 9″ x 12″ piece of blue felt, fold it over a wooden dowel and glue it done on the ends.

Using scissors, cut the letters USA from the red and white felt. Glue them in place on the front of the banner.

Tie a piece of ribbon to the dowel on each side of the banner.

Now it’s ready to hang up! You can hang it on the wall or on your front door!

I hope you like this super simple USA banner.

You can see other Craft Lightning Patriotic projects by clicking on the image below!

Until next time……